Sunday, April 10, 2011

Open source video storyboard

Video Storyboard

                                                OPEN SOURCE
TITLE of Project:  ________________________________________


Individual setting up tabs and bookmarks on the computer of open source destinations

Alexandra Salas is the narrator (AS)
Defines and introduces “what is open source”


Library exterior
Library interior- rows of book shelves

Explains why open source is relevant and how it is affecting and influencing tradition forms of information gathering and research.

Walk through various retailers that sell multimedia devices:
Macs, Ipad, Itouch

Presents synthesis of some open source research and discussion – uses in the classroom, applications and implications for faculty, devices available and “adopted” that facilitate open source

Exterior of schools:
College campuses

Analysis of trend- use of open source libraries
-         impact on faculty development, engagement…
-         impact on student learning
-         future of trend

Students and teachers
-in and outside classrooms
-on campus
-computer labs
-checking their phones, listening to music with earbuds


Concluding remarks...and lead in to keynote speaker David Wiley, a leading subject matter expert about Open Source